These steps include:
1. Increasing our understanding
We will strengthen our understanding of and sensitivity to a range of perspectives to help us live the values we hold and be truly inclusive. We will:
- Introduce additional training for all employees, including senior management.
- Establish employee councils focused on diversity and inclusion
- Assemble an advisory board of external experts
2. Diversifying the pipeline of talent
We will evolve our pipeline of talent to ensure we better reflect the world we live in and build a more diverse talent base for the future. We will:
- Strengthen goals to ensure diverse representation in our employee base
- Expand our creative arts scholarship internationally to support students from diverse backgrounds and provide full-time employment for 50 graduates from the programme over the next five years
- Extend internationally Burberry Inspire, our in-school arts and culture programme designed to help young people overcome challenging circumstances and see future opportunity in the creative industries
3. Championing those who help others
We will add to our support of organisations promoting diversity and inclusion and providing assistance to people in crisis, including the Samaritans, who offer a safe, confidential place to which people can turn.